Saturday, November 11, 2006

I Bestie del quartiere sono ancora increduli dinanzi alla mail inoltrataci stamane da Michael. Vogliamo condividere ora con voi fans le parole di questo GRANDE della musica pop internazionale.

"Hi guys. I know that is very strange that i write to Bestie del Quartiere but here in my ranch Neverland i have not so much to do and so my little friends and me when we finish to have fun we often look internet and I immediately found your blog. Oh guys. You are very nice, but How old are you? However i've written to you because my domestic animal THE PANTHER would like to meet your singer THE CAT. How you can see the panther is very friendly and he has no problem to travel by aeroplane. So if the Cat don't want to come here in my ranch i will send the panther with the next charter full of chicken. The airport should be the Dal Molin in Vicenza.

Hoping that your singer will accept our proposal i say hello ending with a confession: "the dimension of my penis are black and no white" Write me soon


Felici di questa nuova collaborazione i Bestie del Quartiere vi salutano e sperano che il loro singer e the panther possano conoscersi il prima possibile.


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